2017 Top Performers: Energy

Energy Savings Top Performers

Georgia Institute of Technology, Lamar Allen Sustainable Education Building

Water Savings: 42%, Energy Savings: 34%

Georgia Institute of Technology, Technology Square Research Building

Energy Savings: 36%

Georgia State University
(One Park Place, Student Center West, Student Recreation Center, Urban Life Building)

Atlanta Community Toolbank

Water Savings: 81%, Energy Savings: 51%

Fuqua Boys and Girls Club

Energy Savings: 56%

Arts Clayton Administration and Gallery

Energy Savings: 31%

Atlanta History Center, Swan House

Water Savings: 49%, Energy Savings: 33%

Center for Civil and Human Rights

Energy Savings: 30%

Lenox Square Mall

Energy Savings: 24%

Madison-Morgan Cultural Center

Water Savings: 76%, Energy Savings: 25%

Steffen Thomas Museum of Art

Energy Savings: 41%

Woodruff Arts Center Memorial Arts Building

Water Savings: 43%, Energy Savings: 29%

T3 Labs

Water Savings: 40%, Energy Savings: 42%

Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School, Middle Campus

Energy Savings: 31%

Eagle Ranch School

Water Savings: 31%, Energy Savings: 29%

100 Colony Square

Water Savings: 21%, Energy Savings: 37%

1100 Spring Street

1180 Peachtree

Energy Savings: 33%

55 Allen Plaza

Energy Savings: 33%

A Child’s Voice Child Advocacy Center, Inc.

Energy Savings: 29%

Atlanta REALTORS® Center

Centennial Tower

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Water Savings: 45%, Energy Savings: 47%

Georgia-Pacific Center

Water Savings: 30%, Energy Savings: 28%

One Alliance Center

Water Savings: 23%, Energy Savings: 23%

Jerusalem House, Briarcliff Program for Adults

Energy Savings: 24%

Jerusalem House, Decatur Family Program

Water Savings: 23%, Energy Savings: 22%

One Atlantic Center

Water Savings: 28%, Energy Savings: 33%


Water Savings: 38%, Energy Savings: 35%

One Midtown Plaza

Water Savings: 40%, Energy Savings: 34%

Peachtree Center, Harris Tower

Water Savings: 69%, Energy Savings: 20%

Peachtree Center, Marquis Two

Water Savings: 25%, Energy Savings: 27%

Peachtree Summit Federal Building

Water Savings: 28%, Energy Savings: 24%

Richard B. Russell Federal Building

Energy Savings: 22%

Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center

Energy Savings: 42%

Southface, Main Campus

Water Savings: 23%, Energy Savings: 21%

SunTrust Plaza

Energy Savings: 25%

The Georgia Trust, Rhodes Hall

Energy Savings: 56%

The Pinnacle

Energy Savings: 20%

The Turner Building

Water Savings: 20%, Energy Savings: 35%

Two Midtown Plaza

Water Savings: 32%, Energy Savings: 22%

UPS, Building 35

Energy Savings: 26%

UPS, Building 55

Water Savings: 27%, Energy Savings: 23%

Woodruff Volunteer Center

Energy Savings: 24%

Zoo Atlanta, ARC

Energy Savings: 56%

Gallery Condominium

Energy Savings: 21%

Wesley Woods, Asbury Harris Epworth Towers

Energy Savings: 33%

Atlanta History Center, Parking Deck

Energy Savings: 58%

Emory University Hospital Midtown, Summit Parking Deck

Energy Savings: 34%

Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, North Terminal Parking Deck

Energy Savings: 44%

Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, South Terminal Parking Deck

Energy Savings: 49%

City of Atlanta Fire Stations 30, 31

Atlanta Public Works, Office. and Warehouse, Englewood Avenue

Energy Savings: 29%

Hemphill Water Treatment Plant and Pumping Station

Energy Savings: 51%

Powell Pool, Bath House

Energy Savings: 30%

Grove Park Recreation Center

Atlanta Police Training Academy

Energy Savings: 23%

Atlanta Public Works, Donald Lee Hollowell Memorial Water Park

Energy Savings: 36%

Cornelius Adolphus Scott Recreation Center

Collier Park Recreation Center

Candler Park, Bath House

Energy Savings: 23%

Bessie Branham Recreation Building

Adair Park, Warehouse

Energy Savings: 26%


Water Savings: 53%, Energy Savings: 25%

One Buckhead Plaza

Energy Savings: 27%

Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, DOA Technical Campus

Energy Savings: 20%

Coca-Cola Plaza, TCP

Woodruff Arts Center Conservatory

Energy Savings: 53%

Fulton County Schools, South Transportation and Warehouse

The following buildings of the Fulton County Schools were Top Performers:

Abbotts Hill Elementary School
Autrey Mill Middle School
Barnwell Elementary School
Bear Creek Middle School
Bethune Elementary School
Brookview Elementary School
Camp Creek Middle School
Campbell Elementary School
Crabapple Crossing Elementary School
Crabapple Middle School
Creek View Elementary School
Creekside High School
Dolvin Elementary School
Dunwoody Springs Elementary School
Findley Oaks Elementary School
Hamilton E. Holmes Elementary School
Hapeville Elementary School
Haynes Bridge Middle School
Holcomb Bridge Middle School
Hopewell Middle School
Lake Windward Elementary School
Liberty Point Elementary School
Manning Oaks Elementary School
McClarin High School
Meadows Operations Center
Medlock Bridge Elementary School
Milton High School
Mimosa Elementary School
Mountain Park Elementary School
North Springs High School
Northview High School
Northwood Elementary School
Oak Knoll Elementary School
Oakley Elementary School
Ocee Elementary School
Palmetto Elementary School
Parklane Elementary School
Paul D. West Middle School
Randolph Elementary School
Renaissance Elementary School
Ridgeview Middle School
River Eves Elementary School
River Trail Middle School
Riverwood High School
Roswell High School
S L Lewis Elementary School
Sandtown Middle School
Sandy Springs Middle School
Seaborn Lee Elementary School
Spalding Drive Elementary School
State Bridge Crossing Elementary School
Summit Hill Elementary School
Taylor Road Middle School
Webb Bridge Middle School
Westlake High School
Woodland Elementary School
Woodland Middle School

*The following buildings at Emory University were Top Performers:

1462 Clifton Road
1525 Clifton
Atwood Chemistry
B. Jones Center
Bowden Hall
Callaway Memorial Center
Candler Library
Cannon Chapel
Carlos Hall
Cox Hall
Facilities Management Building C
Goizueta Business School
Grace Crum Rollins School of Public Health
MacMillan-Gambrell Hall
Math & Science Center
Modern Languages
North Decatur Building
O. Wayne Rollins Research Center
Rich Memorial Building
Rita Anne Rollins Building/Ethics
Schwartz Performing Arts Center
Tarbutton Hall
White Hall
Whitehead Biomedical Research
Williams School of Medicine
Woodruff Health Sciences Administration
Woodruff Library
Woodruff PE Center
Woodruff School of Nursing